Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

No Show Bride


Bride doesn’t show up after 2hrs of waiting then calls to tell the groom that she changed her mind. Groom starts crying and his mom shouts, “Shut up! I told you to marry Kathy but noooooo Kathy was too fat huh? You just had to chase a model! She couldn’t even wipe her butt with those nails much less cook your dinner. Why would Jessica want you? You’re broke and you’re ugly. Kathy wouldn’t have stood you up cause she’s ugly too. Serves you right.”

Groom continues to cry while the guests stared in shock.

Yes, Kathy was there but just like everyone else she was afraid to confront the mom. She did give him a hug afterwards though.

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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