Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Plans Into Motion


We had planned a lovely wedding, but when it came time to actually put plans into motion I realized there was no way  my family and his family needed to be within several miles of each other, much less the same venue.

We decided we’d get married, just the two of us and the gentleman responsible for the paperwork. Planned a lovely little picnic type event (our minister was a dear friend, we told him to bring his wife and we’d treat them to lunch afterwards) at a local duck pond that has a pretty gazebo we could use.

The morning of, and we apparently stepped into monsoon season. 20% chance of rain in the forecast had turned to 16 inches of rain overnight, with more on the way. We almost couldn’t leave our house because the water was so high. I call friend and tell him to scratch the duck pond idea, can he just meet us in town so nobody gets washed away?

Well, we also run a farm so the easiest common ground that we all knew how to get there was the local feed store. Hubby and I arrive early, go inside and buy the feed we needed. As we come out, friend arrives and helps hubby load feed into the back of our truck. Still pouring rain.

I hear something and see a four or five week old kitten about to get washed into a storm drain so I grab it, wrap it in my jacket, and place it in the passenger seat of our truck before climbing into friend’s Honda Element. We say our vows, sitting in the backseat, soaking wet and covered in hay and mud, and go our separate ways afterwards. Hubby learns we have a new cat.

It was a mess from beginning to end, but somehow it was perfect and we have a heck of a story to tell our son someday.

Story credit: Reddit / KGRanch

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