Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

I Would Do It Again


My wedding was pretty abysmal. We had a baby on the way so changed our plans to save money. We had a registry in the center of town. Our ceremony was delayed when there was a suicide scare in the building with some dude from another party out on the window ledge.

Afterwards we literally walked 200m up the road to the pub, bought everyone a round of drinks. Then we walked across town to a nice restaurant we had booked. We didn’t ask for gifts, only asked that people pay for their meal. We bought another round of drinks in the restaurant.

The wedding cake was in the only corner of the restaurant where there was room, so I had to squeeze in behind her for the obligatory cake cutting pictures. All the pictures look like I am bending her over the table and giving her a good seeing to. My parents were dismayed. I thought it was hilarious.

After the meal we walked a little further to a church that had been converted into a night club. I had my first dance with my wife to some Britney Spears Techno mash-up. People kept buying me whiskey. I had to carry my exhausted wife, wedding dress and all, piggy-back style to the nearest taxi rank to go home. Her shoes had mangled her feet.

But do you know what? I’d do it the same way again. It was a fantastic day, and I was able to take the full two weeks off work when the baby arrived without worrying about money.

Story credit: Reddit / ExxInferis

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