Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

Broken Glass on the Bar


I was working at a busy bar in a major city. There was one guy who wouldn’t stop pounding his empty glass on the bar, rolling his eyes, and yelling, “I’M EMPTY OVER HERE.”

It was 11 PM on a Saturday night, and the bar was packed, with a line around the block. I told him I would get to him as quickly as I could. About 20 seconds later, I heard him slam his glass on the bar, AGAIN.

I leaned over to tell him if he couldn’t stop mistreating my glassware, I was going to give him a plastic cup. The man proceeded to spit in my face. I was honestly shocked. But don’t worry, he got what he deserved. 

One of my regulars grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed his face into the bar. A melee broke out, and at least 20 of my glasses ended up broken.


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