Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

Two For the Price of One


One day I was making drinks at the cafe I worked at. A coworker was at the register. We were swamped, so she missed writing down the specific instructions for one of the orders. All I knew was that the customer wanted a small black tea. So I made it and called it out.

The lady very rudely told me she wanted it in two cups. So, I split it up and put it on the counter. She then said she asked for extra hot water in both cups and told me I was terrible at listening to directions.

She was basically asking for two teas for the price of one. I didn’t have time to argue, so I just did it, and put it back on the counter. But she had more crazy left in her. She then spilled it on her hand while picking it up.

She yelled, “Ow!! Why did you do that?” as if I handed it to her myself and intentionally poured it on her. She then proceeded to go on a rant about how she would sue, and I would lose my job.

I was so mad that I started crying. I guess that made her feel bad because she returned after she finished her tea to tell me her hand was okay, so there was no need for any recourse.

She was an insane piece of work that I had to deal with a handful of times. Her brother, who came in with her, would often apologize on her behalf.


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