Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

Suspended For Two Weeks


We were cleaning up after a wedding reception at our facility, and I had begun the cleaning process on our espresso machine. The party had been over for almost a half-hour. The cleaning process takes 12 minutes.

People were still milling about as the party slowly let out, and the bride’s father asked me for an espresso. Since we had a strict policy of always trying to satisfy a guest’s needs, I told him I could get it to him, but the machine was cleaning, and it would be done in about 10 minutes.

He began ranting about how much he paid for the wedding and stormed to our banquet managers. He told them I refused to make it for him. The manager started tearing into me.

I showed both of them that the machine was just finishing the cleaning process, and it was impossible to make it beforehand. I got suspended for two weeks.


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