Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

No Tip For You!


I was working at a sub sandwich shop with my manager. We had just finished cleaning everything up, and my manager had his hand on the door lock when a woman desperately came running to the door screaming, “WAIT! WAAAAAAAAAIT!” 

My manager gave me the most “Oh God, I’m SO sorry” look and let her in. We proceeded to unwrap ALL of the sandwich-making material.

This involved pulling plastic wrap off of EVERYTHING, re-filling sanitation sinks to wash any dishes we dirty, and basically having to completely re-do all of our closing procedures.

The woman ordered somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 sandwiches for ten different people. It sounded as if it was for a party because for each separate sandwich, she had to talk to a different person.

She was shouting into her cell phone and breaking into random bits of other conversation while my manager and I were sitting there trying to get information from her on what to put on the sandwiches.

We got her sandwiches done about 25 minutes later and waited for another 10 minutes for her to finish her phone call and come up to the register to pay. But it gets even worse.

She only had a $100 bill, for which we didn’t have proper change. She became exasperated, flustered that she had to use her credit card.

Finally, we got everything sorted out, and she gathered up her sandwiches, looked at the clock overhead, and said in the most condescending voice I’ve ever heard, “Don’t you think you guys could have made my sandwiches a bit quicker?

“Now I’ve missed 10 minutes of my TV show! No tip for you!” She then walked out the door. It took us another 20 minutes or so to re-do all of our closing procedures.

My manager felt so bad about being the one who let her in that he gave me the full share of the evening’s tip, which was usually split 50/50. Still, people like that lady make me SO GLAD I don’t work in food service anymore.


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