Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

I’m Not Waiting!


I worked at a bakery and had to deal with the most HEINOUS and rude customers ever. One day one of our staff members quit by text message five minutes before her shift and 30 minutes before we were set to open at 8 AM on a Saturday.

We were hard-pressed finding someone to cover, so I was alone until someone else was able to come in, about an hour later. I had one of the kitchen staff helping me, and all they could do was grab things and bag them as they weren’t trained on cash or coffee.

So here I was running around trying to help customers, make coffees, ring people through—I was clearly stressed. This man was clearly annoyed that he had to wait, huffing and puffing, and eventually loudly exclaimed,

“Forget this. I’m not waiting for this garbage,” and proceeded to throw his bagged muffin at my head and storm out.


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