Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

Computer God


I worked for a company that made computer gaming cases and accessories. A guy claimed that one of the internal fans in one of our cases caused his motherboard to explode. He shouted at me, demanding a refund for all the components he purchased. I was cool-headed and didn’t yell back.

I tried to understand his situation as best I could with his bad temper. He called himself a “computer god” and said he knew our fan somehow caused it to explode. After about half an hour of putting up with his excessive shouting, he yelled at me that he was coming to our office since he lived nearby. 

We thought he was joking, but we were so, so wrong. A half-hour later, he stormed into our lobby and slammed his burnt-up computer on our receptionist’s desk.

We noticed that it was not our computer case or fan, there were pencil shards inside the power supply, and the PCI-E power cord was jammed into the motherboard’s four-pin power port. There was also goop seeping into a few of the pin ports.

We attempted to explain to him that what he brought in was not one of our products. However, he was stubborn and insisted that it was. We even pointed out the manufacturer’s website that matched the logo on his case and fan, but he still refused to believe it.

After an hour or so of him shouting nonsense, we had to call the authorities. When officers arrived, the guy quieted down. They took him outside to question him about the situation, and things took another turn.

The guy immediately became furious again and started shouting complaints to the officer. After five minutes of questioning, we showed the officer that this wasn’t our product.

The officer already knew the guy wasn’t exactly “stable,” so he warned him to go away and not bother us anymore. The guy shouted threats and eventually drove off.


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