Real Life Customer Service Stories That Turned Into Total Nightmares

You Forgot Your Change


When I was in college, I worked at an Italian restaurant. A family of five came in and ordered appetizers, some drinks, and food. When I brought out the bill, the wife took it and paid in cash, leaving me a tip of $3 and some change on an $80 bill.

The service was good, so I was pretty angry about the tip. A minute later, I noticed the husband and kids standing by the front door.

They were waiting for the wife to use the restroom. I walked up to the man, said, “Excuse me, sir, you forgot your change,” and held out the $3. The husband looked at me and took me by surprise. 

He said, “Is that all that woman left you?” He then reached in his pocket, pulled out $30, and said, “There you go, sorry about that.”


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