Cheese and Peppers

I worked delivery for a pizza/ice cream/sandwich shop in a small rural town. We had a guy who lived a solid half-hour outside of town who ordered about once a week or so.
None of us knew why the owner ever agreed to deliver to this guy in the first place, being that far out, but we used to wonder if the owner was being threatened into doing it.
The level of nonsense this customer would raise if you didn’t bring him cheese and peppers for his pizza was absolute madness. He was genuinely a psychopath.
There was an incident where a delivery driver found the customer waiting on his porch polishing a shotgun, and the first thing the customer did was loosely point it towards the driver and say, “Did you bring my cheese and peppers?”
We fully believed the customer would have shot our driver if the answer had been no. As it was, the driver didn’t have as much cheese and peppers as the customer would have liked.
He called the restaurant and threw a fit. From then on, when we delivered to this guy we were told to take a giant bucket of cheese and peppers with us.