Garlic Soup
More than ten years ago, I was dating this girl… She was super cute, fun to be around, intelligent, and laughed at all my jokes, whether they were funny or not. She asked me over to her apartment one night because she wanted to cook me supper. I had already cooked for her a few times, so she made a nice spread, most of which I have completely forgotten.
It was all completely overshadowed by the most disgusting bowl of soup I had ever encountered. It was, by her description, “Garlic Soup” but I swear to God I was debating on whether she believed I was a vampire, and if claiming such would get me away from this noxious bowl of garbage. As much as I liked this girl, I couldn’t find it in me to finish.
She tried hers and made a face that let me know I was in the clear. She figured out what she had done, and I got off the hook for not eating what she had made. I married her, we have three kids, and one of the very few rules I have is she’s forbidden from making that soup ever again.