Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Unwanted Guests


While I was in college, my boyfriend and I lived in an apartment. One day, when I was home alone, two guys knocked on my door. I opened it up, and they gave me some spiel about donating to a charity.

I was dumb and said, “Okay, sure. Let me get my purse.” But when I turned around, my stomach dropped. They had come inside the foyer and blocked the front door.

I instantly got nervous and started fumbling with my checks, to which they said they didn’t take checks—just cash. Then, they asked if anyone else was there with me, and I answered, “Yes, my boyfriend is sleeping.”

I like to think I said that convincingly enough before I added, “Let me go see if he has cash.” I quickly went into my bedroom to see if I had a weapon just in case, but then I heard the door close, and they were gone.


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