Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

The Good Sense to Slow Down


I was driving one evening and it started to snow. I noticed that I was going a bit fast and strongly sensed I should slow down.

I did, and a couple of seconds later I came up around a bend with the road suddenly being covered in ice. I started to fishtail while sliding directly towards two people standing outside their car.

They had wrecked in the same manner that I was about to do and were standing outside their car, with me heading straight for them.

I quickly thought of my options and ended up doing a hard right straight into the highway barrier.

I slid nearly 100+ feet dragging the front of my car to slow it down. Because I had decided to slow down, I was able to give the two guys enough time to get out of the way before I slammed into their cars.

Even though I totaled my car, which was sad, I did not end up hitting two people that night.


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