Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Gut Instinct


Every once in a while, you get that gut instinct telling you something is up. I was at a party and at one point, I got that tingling feeling. I knew I was in danger.

I finally just decided to leave with a few friends to chill at my place. A few hours later, I got a phone call from another friend asking me if I was OK. When I asked what happened, my blood ran cold.

Apparently, the house where the party was held belonged to a guy who was affiliated with some gangs. Some thugs tried to crash the party and when the host tried to kick them out, they started fighting people.

The whole thing devolved into a giant brawl and a few people ended up in the hospital. The authorities ended up shutting down the party.

Meanwhile, I was at home playing video games with a couple of friends. Sometimes your gut’s right.


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