Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

In a Dangerous Area


I normally go to the club with my husband. He was out of town but I had friends that said they’d be out.

My club has always been a very safe club, but the area it’s in has had its ups and downs, because drinking and a bunch of clubs in a small area comes with drunks and ne’er-do-wells of all kinds.

I parked on the street two blocks down from the bar. The block itself was dark but the next block up was very brightly lit thanks to a big-name hotel.

Basically, it was a straight shot from my car to the club, with one section of darkness. The MOMENT I got into the building I knew something was wrong but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

First, none of my friends showed up so I’m alone. Then, the vibe was seriously off. Some dude kept trying to buy me a drink that I kept turning down.

He was so insistent, so eventually, I said I’d have a water because it comes in a sealed bottle. Dude comes back with the type of glass that mixed drinks usually come in.

The moment he gives it to me he leaves and I don’t see him again for the rest of the night. The “water” went straight down the bathroom sink. My alarm bells were going off so I decided to get out of there.

I left the bar and THE MOMENT I crossed the street, this voice in my head says, “You messed up! Get your keys out and get ready!” I’m full-blown panicking at this point.

And when I got to my car door, I learned that my instincts were completely right. As soon as I get my door open another car pulls up and slides into the spot directly behind mine.

I hit the door locks and start to back up. In my rearview mirror, I see the torso of some guy jump out and head toward my passenger door.

I’m already pulling out of the parking spot but I could see his tensed-up arm and closed fist just outside my passenger window.

As I sped down the highway in the most deafening silence I’ve ever experienced, I tried to understand what just happened.

It took me a bit to put the pieces together but I THINK the drink dude was spiking drinks and the car dude was picking up.

The more I think about it the more I get the feeling that it was a trafficking operation. If I had been two seconds slower for any reason, I can only imagine how that night would have ended.


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