Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Weird Vibes

Flickr / CC 2.0

I was walking home one September evening at around 9 PM. On my bus, a guy was whistling and smiling by himself. He looked cheery and ready for a night out, but for some reason, I got a weird vibe from him.

He got off at my stop, so I made sure to watch where he was going. He walked straight down the road while I had to turn left. Good, it’s all fine and dandy.

I got to an underpass, and since it was a shady place with no one around, I held my phone in my hand with my husband’s number at the ready.

When I reached exactly the middle of the underpass, I heard footsteps running down the stairs behind me. I immediately called my husband and loudly told him, “Hey! I’m walking down the underpass. I’ll be home soon.”

At that point, the footsteps slowed down, and the same whistling guy lightly jogged by me. I was pretty spooked at that point, and I stayed on the line with my husband.

When I got out of the underpass, I saw the whistling guy was still power-walking way ahead of me. I started to feel like an idiot…like maybe this guy was just in a hurry and wasn’t familiar with the area. Oh, how wrong I was.

I kept walking, and it started to get dark. Ahead of me, there was an empty building with concrete pillars at the entrance, where one could easily hide.

So just to be safe, I crossed the street, where there was only a plain wall and a few houses. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me once again. And what do you know? It was that guy again.

At that point, I was sure he was following me and that he was actually hiding behind those concrete pillars. I was almost home by now, but I still had to walk through another underpass,

and I definitely didn’t want to be alone with that guy in an isolated place. So, I just abruptly stopped walking before I got too far away from the houses.

Once again, the whistling guy walked by me. Then, after a couple of meters, he stopped too and pretended to fumble with his phone. I was fed up at that point, and I loudly told my husband,

“Hey, honey. Since I’m almost there, can you come to meet me and walk with me?” Those were the magic words! The whistling guy turned around and sprinted back in the direction he came from.

By the time my husband got there (which was only like 45 seconds later because he ran like heck), the whistling guy was long gone. But man, did it take me a long time to stop shaking!


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