Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I’ll Wait with the Bags

Wikimedia Commons

I’m afraid of rollercoasters (mostly heights but they go hand in hand). My friends and I went to a theme park, and went on a rollercoaster that was in darkness and went underground.

I rode it once, sitting in the back, and really enjoyed it surprisingly. When we reached the start again, there was no line (as it was the end of the day) so they asked if we wanted a final go before they shut down.

Something in my gut told me not to go on, so despite my friends’ nagging, I didn’t and waited with the bags. When my friends got off the ride, they were white as a sheet. 

About 3/4 of the way through the ride, there’s a big drop then it goes fast and just before that, my friend in the back’s bar had risen up.

Apparently, they had to grip onto her for the rest of the ride while trying to push the bar back down.


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