Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Don’t Go on Green


I had just left my apartment complex and was heading to a friend’s place. I pulled out of my driveway and up to the traffic light and stopped. I was in the left turn lane, the light was red.

It was late out and there weren’t many people on the road. I watched as the light went yellow, and then red for through traffic. One guy ran the tail end of the yellow, like usual.

When the light goes green, I have an arrow blinking for me to turn left. I looked both ways and there was no one around, but I just didn’t go. I can’t explain what happened other than something inside me said “don’t go” so I sat there staring at the green light.

A couple of seconds later, a car came screaming through the red light, through the intersection, probably doing about 100km/hour in the lane I would have been turning in to.

They were going so fast their vehicle had a bounce to it. If I had turned my car would have been destroyed, and me along with it. I sat there through the whole next light cycle and then turned, pulled over and called my sister.

It was a ghostly feeling. I am a light jumper, I look both ways but I am impatient, and I can’t explain what stopped me from going the second that light went green, but I’m glad it did.


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