Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Guardian Angel


I was driving home from work, and it was pouring rain so bad and so heavy that I could barely see the back of the car in front of me. Regardless, people were still zipping through like it was nothing.

All of a sudden, I felt a really strong urge to take the next exit even though in my mind I was like, “Home isn’t that far, just keep going.”

It was kind of like keeping straight became out of bounds, and my car just…took the exit. I drove until I found a familiar parking lot and waited out the rain for a bit until I gathered the courage to keep going.

I then back-tracked a little bit and got on the freeway a couple of exits before the one I had previously gotten off on.

When I passed that area, a short way down, they were still cleaning up an accident that I probably would have been involved in if I decided to keep going. I definitely had a guardian angel with me that day.


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