Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Intuition Never Fails


We had all started to walk around the development, when my mother, after about 50-75 meters from the house said, “I am going to go back and check on dad.”

I went with her, and I nearly witnessed my grandfather die. He was on the chair, conscious, but unable to move or talk… just looking at my mother with bulging eyes.

She called 9-1-1 once, then twice when she felt that they were running late. The ambulance came, got him on the stretcher, but it was too wide to fit out the door. We ended up tearing the door frame off to get him out.

Because he was conscious, he actually remembers the ride to the hospital. He told us later that he heard the driver or someone say, there is not a chance that this guy lives. That was when I was around six years old.

He is still alive to this day, more than a decade later.

At my mother’s funeral, part of his speech was about how, without my mother’s actions, he would not have been able to spend time with her during her final years of life. And for that, he is eternally grateful.


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