Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

It Would’ve Been Me


About 10 years ago, I was working security at a site about 50 miles from home. I got off at midnight, and didn’t bother to change out of my uniform because I was only going to stop for gas.

Two stations in the town I was working in were open after midnight, but it slipped my mind as I drove past the first one. Pulled into the other (same brand, same gas price) and just didn’t like something about it.

There was nobody else around but the clerk that I could see, but I decided to go back to the other one. I topped off and headed back out of town, and I get close to the station that had creeped me out again.

Three city cop cars, two deputies and a state trooper are outside blocking the road with guns drawn. Turns out a city cop walked in on a robbery.

Dude put a bullet in his vest, and the store owner knocked the guy out cold with a bat before the cop could recover enough to get his piece out. That would have been me, in a uniform with a nice shiny badge, but no body armor.


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