Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I Wouldn’t Have Made it In Time


I was out walking with my son, daughter, and ex-husband. Me and the ex get along well and occasionally do things as a family still. On this night there was a little festival down the street from his place.

So the kids and I had driven over to his house, parked there and walked up to the festival. The walk back was dark, and my son was running ahead a lot. I didn’t think much of it.

My ex and I were chatting about things, and I noticed a van drive past us twice. I figured he was just lost as the festival blocked off a road. But then he circled back two more times.

By this time, I had called both my kids back and was holding their hands. The van parked up on the corner of the street we were about to head down. I walked with the kids and my ex approached the van.

As he walked up the van sped off. It kept me up nights later thinking if the van had been around earlier when my son was running ahead. I’m not at all a fit lady.

If whoever was in the van decides to jump out and grab my son, I wouldn’t have been able to get to him in time. Really freaked me out. I did get a plate and make and model, so I reported it to local law enforcement.


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