Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Locked in the Bathroom


When I was a kid, my mom had a mental break down and was in full-in psychosis. Of course, I was too young to fully understand what was happening. I just had a gut feeling something was very very wrong with her.

So I took my younger sister into the bathroom with me—the only room in our home with a lock—and locked the door. We often played in the tub just by dumping towels and blankets in it (dry) and would pretend it was a boat.

So I did that, but kept the door locked. My mom disappeared. Hours later my grandpa called on the phone. When no one answered, I snuck down stairs and answered it.

He said he was coming to pick us up because my mom had gone for a drive. From that point on, we lived with my grandparents while my mom was on an involuntary hold at the mental hospital.

Apparently, she’d driven a few hours away and called him to tell him she’d hurt us and left us in the woods. She had hallucinated all of this, but didn’t know the difference. He called local law enforcement and we got picked up.

I didn’t find out the whole story until I was much older. I just knew deep in my stomach something wasn’t right with my mom and I had to protect my sister.


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