Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

An Eerie Reminder


My mom told me this one from before I was born. She used to play coed softball back in the day with her then-boyfriend and some of her friends from work.

They would travel to different local towns to play games, usually 30 minutes to a few hours away at most.

One day they were getting ready for a game about two hours away, and my mom randomly got a bad feeling about it and decided not to go.

It was a good thing she stayed behind—my mom’s boyfriend and two of her friends got in a car accident and passed at the scene.

Eerily, when my mom visited the site of the accident to leave flowers with some of her other friends from softball, she found a picture of herself that had fallen out of her boyfriend’s wallet just a few yards away from the accident. That one always spooked me right out.


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