Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

No One Ever Talked About it Again


When I was 10, I went to the beach with my older sister, her friends, and their parents. They had a van that was open in the back (think white creepy van), no seats.

The other friends of my sister’s friends took turns sitting on the father’s lap when he asked if they wanted to steer the van. He then asked me and my gut said, “No! This man is creepy as heck.” 

The look in his eyes sent shivers down my spine. Once we got to the beach, I forgot all about the creepy dad and focused on fun. Fast forward several months later, and my sister’s friends asked if my sister wanted to sleepover.

She refused and my mom and I were baffled as to why she didn’t want to go. We kept encouraging her to. Soon she broke down in tears and told us that one night their father had touched her.

The van incident and feelings came flying back to me. I wish I had not forgotten my gut feeling and shared it with my mother and sister before anything happened to my sister.

Sometimes I still feel guilty over it. That was over 30 years ago. I don’t remember what happened to the guy. I just remember a state vehicle at my house a lot afterwards. No one ever talked about it again and I never asked.


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