Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Clench My Teeth Through It


I was with a co-worker. He had lied to me about inviting me to a family party of his. When I showed up, it was just him and I, and we went to a bar. I rolled my eyes and just thought I could clench my teeth through it.

He knew the owner of the bar, and got me drinks (I was only 20 at the time, he was at least a decade older).

I started pouring out the drinks when the dude was shooting pool because I didn’t want to be tipsy/drunk while dealing with him. Looking back, this decision saved me from a horrific fate. 

I told him I wanted to go home, but he talked me into taking him home first. So, I followed the directions he gave me and I pulled into a hookah bar parking lot instead.

He started getting really aggressive and trying to kiss me. I kept pushing him off. I was still trying to be polite but firm and telling him to stop.

That’s when I noticed the group of guys around my car, talking to my coworker in my car in another language.

He then opened my car door, got out, and proceeded to grab me by the hair to try to pull me out of my car, the other guys gathering around. I had the mind to lock my door when I noticed the other guys.

I also had put my car in reverse. So, when he grabbed my hair, I let off the brake and my car started rolling back so he let go of me. It was terrifying. I told our boss the next day and he quit when our boss asked him about it.


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