Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Misleading Roadblocks


I live in rural Connecticut and my mom was driving me down a dark, twisty road to my friend’s house when we came across yellow caution tape strung across the middle of the road.

Not “Police line, do not cross” tape, but just tape that said caution, blocking the whole road. It had been clearly ripped and tied back together in some places. 

My mom just knew something was off. She looked at it for a minute and then gunned it in reverse and got out of there fast.

That same night, some woman had gotten out to examine it and had gotten back in the car to call 9-1-1 because she found it suspicious, but not suspicious enough to leave before calling 9-1-1.

That’s the moment she was grabbed out of her car—but the people who grabbed her didn’t know that she was already on the line with 9-1-1. The officers rolled up as the car was driving away with her in the trunk.

They chased them down and she lived, but it was scary. Trust your gut with roadblocks!


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