Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Big Ice Storm


I work as a front line tech at a major telecom company. About 15 years ago we had a big ice storm overnight. A tree brought a pole down along with a main cable.

Our construction team had put it back up, and me and a co-worker were re-splicing each end from our lift buckets. About an hour in, my co-worker said, “I don’t feel really safe right now for some reason.”

I had just about finished my side, so I said, “Sounds good…let’s finish it tomorrow,” and we left. The next day, I decided to go back on my own and finish up both sides.

When I got there, his pole was completely gone and the cable had been ripped off the other pole again. The neighbor said another tree had come down less than 30 minutes after we left and destroyed the pole and cable.

We probably both would have lost our lives.


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