Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

We’re the Only Two Cars in the Lot


I was dropping off something at the bank and on my way to my car I notice there’s an SUV with super dark windows next to it. On the surface, no biggie, it’s a tiny parking lot, but we’re the only two cars.

They’re parked on my driver’s side so I’d have to squeeze in between the two cars to get into mine. It’s full daylight on a busy road so I’m cautious, but not upset or actively worried.

Then some guy comes around from the other side of the car and says “Hey, my friend says he knows you” and motions for me to go around to the other side of the car.

As in, the side facing an empty road with no way for anyone to see what might happen to me. And I’m noping the heck out, refusing to move, putting my keys between my fingers and forming a fist, ready to run or fight, whatever I have to do.

There’s a busy shopping center across the street and if I don’t get flattened by traffic I can make it there in about 30 seconds. Just as I’m about to run, I see one of my colleagues walk out from the other side of the car.

He felt so bad about scaring me because, as a guy, he never would have had to be as suspicious as I was. I’ve worked with him 14 years and he still brings it up sometimes.


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