Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Letter From Her Dead Mother


I bawled my eyes out when my mother died abruptly a year after her divorce. I always found it a little weird how she passed away mysteriously just 2 months after her divorce. She wasn’t really sick and she was just 57 years old. She had so many years left to live as far as I’m concerned.

For weeks after her passing, it felt like she was in my dreams. It was as if she wanted to send me a message or something. Then one day, when we were about to clear out her old clothes, I saw her red blouse. For some reason I took it, reached into a pocket, and found a letter. My whole body shook while reading it. It blew my mind.

The gist of the letter was that she wanted me to have everything, she had been unhappy with her current husband (she’s been married to him for just 4 years) and didn’t really want him to get any of her money.

Apparently, she already had a diagnosis about her medical condition and more or less knew that she didn’t have long left on this world. I could not stop crying when I read that. I wish she told me sooner but I just had to accept that she had her reasons. Maybe she didn’t trust her husband to know either.


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