Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Barricade the Door


I was staying at a friend’s house out in the country. He was asleep in another room, I was dozing off with his gigantic pit bull Izzy Bell, a sweet girl. In the middle of the night, I was awoken by sounds outside, like scrambling.

Izzy leaps up too, looks at me, then the back door, then growls. My friend at the time had a young daughter, about four or five, so I immediately began to worry about her.

I grab the nearest weapon, a fire poker, and go to open the door as Izzy is beside me seemingly ready for a fight. But it didn’t feel right. I instead bar the door the best I could and creep to look out of a window. 

As I look, I feel myself nearly scream. Right outside is a gigantic bear. So big it could easily rip my head off, and it has a few cubs in tow. I watch as it ambles off.

I am pretty sure that if I had charged out of that door as I originally intended, me and Izzy would not be here today.


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