Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

My Bright Lights Should Be On


I used to just around country roads when I would feel stressed out or sad, just to get away and listen to music. One evening I was driving with my best friend in the car, and we were on a gravel road that has a huge hill.

We were driving towards the sunset, but it was winter and the light was fading fast. As the car started down the hill, I had this moment where I thought to myself, “My brights should be on” so I flicked them on.

At the bottom of this super steep hill stood six deer on the road. I slammed on the brakes and the car turned sideways and skidded to a stop like 4 feet from the deer.

Those stupid deer didn’t even move, they just stared into the passenger side of my car and my best friend pointed at them and said, “Hey, deer.”

The car was fine, we were fine, and Bambi was all good. I don’t drive around like that anymore.


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