Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I Don’t Know What They Were Up To


I used to date a girl who I would go see every night after I got off work, when I worked until midnight. After meeting, I would stay at her house until about one or two AM.

Sometimes as I left her house, she would follow me in her car and stop at a nearby all-night grocery store. I always begged her not to go alone, but she always said she’d be fine.

Sometimes I would wait in the parking lot until she came back out and then we’d go our separate ways. Sometimes I wouldn’t. One time I felt ill so as we left she said, “Just go straight home, I’ll be fine, I always am.”

For some reason, I felt like that was the night I needed to be there, so I stayed, but I didn’t tell her. She thought I went straight home.

I was in the parking lot as she pulled in but she didn’t see me. As she walked in, a shady looking dude was walking out. She ignored him but he looked back at her about three or four times.

Then he gets to his truck and another guy is in there and they talk through the window for a minute looking back at the store a couple times.

The second guy gets out of the truck, gets something out of the back of it then they both head back into the store.

I couldn’t be sure they were going to do anything but I was not about to take a chance, so I go into the store too. I see them going past every aisle and then motion to each other like “there she is.”

So, I walk a bit faster to catch up. I turn into the aisle just as they are approaching her. They are looking at each other. From behind I yell “Hey!” They both turn, and so does my girlfriend.

I brush by them and give them a look and say “Hey guys.” They nod awkwardly as my girlfriend says to me “What are you doing here?” I kiss her and make up some story about wanting to buy aspirin.

The two guys leave. I never told my girlfriend that story, I don’t know why. I don’t know what they were up to, but it wasn’t good.


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