Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Christmas Surprise

Wikimedia Commons / CC0

It was Christmas eve in my childhood house and my mom had gotten a large TV for my dad and hid it in my closet along with some other presents.

At one point in the night, she had come back into my room to retrieve one of the smaller items and ended up moving the TV right in front of my wall heater, and didn’t put it back. I didn’t notice and went to sleep a little later.

I don’t know if it was the smell or a gut instinct but thank god I woke up, because early the next morning I woke up to find my room filling with smoke and an orange glow coming from the back of the TV box.

Luckily no large flames had formed yet and I was able to stop it simply by moving the box out of the way, and of course, turned off the heater and evacuated the room.

If I hadn’t, we would have woken up on Christmas morning to our house on fire.


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