Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I’ll Never Let Them Forget It


A couple of months after my 10th birthday we went on a family vacation to visit my dad’s side of the family. They lived a state away. At the time, my mom was about 6 months pregnant with my baby brother.

We got to our hotel at about 2:00 pm and by 3:00 pm we decided we wanted to make the most of the day and go to the aquarium.

I got fully dressed and ready to go, and suddenly I was hit with this crippling feeling of dread. At that age, I’d never experienced anything like it. Pure anxiety.

But I knew, I just freaking knew if we waited 5 minutes, I would be fine. I tried telling my mom this and she was having none of it. I even tried to just stall her by begging. Nope.

Got dragged (not literally) out of the hotel and into the car. We pull out of the parking lot and get T-boned so hard we do a 180 into oncoming traffic.

As soon as we all realized we were okay I was like, ah, yep, there it is. I’ve never let either of them forget it either.


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