Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

If I Hadn’t Noticed…


I was like eight when my parents took me and my younger brother to stay the night at my paternal grandparents’ house because they were in the middle of divorcing.

They lived in a farmhouse that was connected to a barn with machinery, gasoline tanks, and hay on the ground floor and furnished rooms on the floor above that. The room we were supposed to stay in was in that barn.

As soon as we went into the guest room, I was overwhelmed by panic and felt really dizzy. I turned around and just said that we will not sleep in that room, and we spent the night on the couch in the living room instead.

Later that night, a gas leak in the barn ignited. The entire barn exploded, including the guest rooms on its top floor.

Maybe I had that weird feeling because the gas had leaked into the room already, but no one else felt anything. I’m sure I would be dead if I hadn’t noticed it.


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