Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Close Enough to Attack


I met a guy at a bar. He was totally mild-mannered and not creepy at all. He asked me how to sign up for karaoke and pick a song. Sat beside me and talked casually. Didn’t touch me once.

But then he pointed to something behind my head to distract me. I looked away and looked back at him, and he said he must have made a mistake. It was strange, but I had no idea how dark the night was going to get. 

Then, I saw him screwing one of those little canisters back shut on his keychain. I asked him what he kept in there to call him out.

He was cold and expressionless as he began to slowly twist it back open and said there was nothing in there.

I stopped drinking my drink and he performed his song. When he was on stage, I immediately left. I just knew he’d tried to slip something into my drink.

What always freaked me out was how normal he seemed (before he became suddenly cold and robotic when I called him out on that canister thing).

But it made me realize, of course a creep like him would seem normal – that’s how they get close enough to attack you.


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