Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I Recognized the Suspect


When I was in middle school, I got into a local college’s summer program where kids study advanced subjects.

The day was over before my mom’s work day, so I would take the light rail to the library or sometimes the local community center. Anyway, it was my first time ever really being on my own in a city or in public in general.

My parents got me my first cell phone because of all this. They didn’t make me scared but I was prepared about how to stay safe.

I sort of did the same thing everyday; get off my stop, go get a burger, and then go to one place or the other, making sure not to talk to strangers and all that.

A couple of times, I noticed a man walking behind me. He’d also go the same burger place that I went to.

He never tried to talk to me or do anything like that, but after the fourth time I noticed, I called my mom and she told me people are just going about their day, on a schedule like I am, so it could just be a coincidence.

Well, one day I decided to eat inside the burger place instead of take it to go, and I saw him walking outside and straight toward the way I would normally go.

Before he got out of the parking lot, he started looking around, like he was looking for someone or something. I went to the restroom, called my mom, and told her to get me. I didn’t go that way ever again after that, took a new route.

About a week or so later, a chilling story came on the news about a girl who had gone missing. The video footage was from the same strip center as the burger place.

The suspect was the man who had been following me.


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