Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

I Broke Up Their Relationship


I was a teen, maybe around 15ish. My mom was a single mom and would go on dates often. However, she would never bring her dates around unless she was serious and had been dating for a while.

I’m the oldest girl and have three younger siblings that I was stuck babysitting. My mom was dating this guy who was perfect on paper and loved children.

We live in Texas in a border city with Mexico, and he was a professional Mexican wrestler (lucha libre). When we met him for the first time, my mom brought him to our house and introduced us to him.

I immediately disliked him. I remember having this overwhelming urge to grab my siblings and run away from him. My mom wasn’t a good mom to me, but she was better with my siblings.

She thought I was just jealous because this man really liked my siblings—especially my baby brother and sister. My brother is 10 years younger than me, and my sister is seven years younger.

I cringed to my gut and made it impossible for this man to bond with them. It was a hill I had chosen to die on. I was relentless when it came to him being alone with them.

I didn’t care if I got beaten; I made sure to make it as miserable for him as I could. He left my mom a few months later. She hated me for it. Then like six months after that, we saw his mugshot in the news.

Like, in the special reports section. He was apprehended for child-related “graphic content” and trafficking.

I remember my mom taking credit for his departure from us, saying she didn’t stay with him because of some gut feeling, even though she’d blamed me for months for ruining her relationship with him.


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