Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Urgent Matters

Wikimedia Commons

My mom knew something was wrong with me when I was younger, but when she called the doctor and told them how she felt, they didn’t want to see me for another two weeks.

My mom went into a blind rage over the phone telling them that she was taking me to get checked whether they liked it or not. We got to the GP, he puts a stethoscope on my back and smells my breath.

Then he immediately says “We need to get him to hospital, NOW.” It turned out that I had type 1 diabetes, and according to him, if we’d waited another day, I would not have made it.

Apparently, my breath smelled like apples, which is a sign of a build-up of ketones in the blood. I was in the severe stages of diabetic ketoacidosis.


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