Eerie Gut Feelings That Ended Up Saving People’s Lives

Last Minute Cancellation


A friend of mine did this hospice care in a nearby town, and that same town was having a town-wide yard sale in a few days.

The town was an hour away, and she invited me to tag along and do some thrift shopping once her two-hour job client appointment was done.

I had been looking forward to it, but the night before the trip, I impulsively called and said that I was gonna sleep in and that I’d just meet her there.

The next morning she called me at 7:30 AM to say that she had rolled her car, and she asked if I could please come to pick her up.

I rushed out to the site and saw her getting treated in an ambulance, and her car was five meters (15 feet) down the bank in a wheat field. It had landed right side up, and I could see the extent of the damage.

Her side wasn’t too bad. It was super banged up, but it was still car-shaped, and she was only being treated for very minor scrapes and whiplash.

The passenger side, on the other hand, was crumpled down to the dashboard. I’m certain I would have lost my life.


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