He Doesn’t Even Know the Language

My roommates and I decided to go grab some subway before we went out one Friday night. One of them is half-Ecuadorian, and the Subway employees were both Hispanic. While I was in the process of ordering my sandwich, the two workers were speaking to each other in Spanish.
When it was my friend’s turn, he ordered in Spanish, which I thought was simply a gesture. I couldn’t figure out why both employees looked like ghosts and stammered their way through the entire ordering process. When I got back in the car, my friend told me the real story.
He said that the two workers said, “Look at this pretty boy, pretending to be cultured. What a loser, he doesn’t even know the language.” At which point my friend decided to place his entire order in Spanish, and thank them at the end of the transaction.
Story credit: Reddit / MrMandelbrot