Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

11. Major Red Flag

Pexels, Kindel Media

I didn’t fire this guy personally, but I did one better: arrested him.

I’m a police officer in the UK. I was forced to help at a recruitment event in our headquarters where applicants turned up, listened to a talk, and did a few exams. Almost all wore suits or shirts and ties, except one.

One was wearing a black polo shirt, black combat trousers, and tactical boots, weird and a bad impression, but whatever.

While they were doing the exam, I went into the yard for a smoke, and all the applicants had to park in a certain area, which was just by the smoking shelter. One car stood out. It looked just like our unmarked cars, exactly like our unmarked. 

I was a little confused, so I had a closer look at it. It had radiator lights, and on the back seat was a police issue stab vest.

I thought that it must be one of our cars parked in the wrong place, but it happened. After the exam, they left. I watched them leave, and lo and behold, the shirt man got in the “unmarked car.” 

Immediately, I jump in a real unmarked and take off after him. I found him 2 streets away, putting blue lights on and driving through a red light. I overtook him, put my lights on, and blocked him. He gets out waving a fake warrant card, telling me he was en route to an emergency.

Arrested for impersonating a police officer. He was also suspected of doing the same in about 3 other forces.


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