Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

12. Come Or Lose

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

I got to fire my co-managers sister, who called 5 minutes before her first shift and said she’d be there in an hour because she just sat down to dinner with friends.

Me: What do you mean you just sat down for dinner? Your first shift is in 5 minutes?

Her: Yeah, I know. But we were out and decided to go for dinner. I’ll still be there, just a little late.

Me: An hour isn’t a ‘little’ late. Be here in 5 minutes, or don’t bother coming in at all.

Her: But <co-manager> is my sister! She gave me the job!

Me: Yes, she did. See you in 5, or not at all.

Her: But <co-manager> is my sister!


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