Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

30. Wrong Reason

Pexels, Tima Miroshnichenko

I ran one of those calendar kiosks in my local mall as a second job for holiday money. Hiring was done by a temp agency located across the country, and the people sucked accordingly. 

Two days after we opened, I was supposed to have a new guy to train. I got a call from him saying he’d been stabbed on the bus and was in the hospital. I asked him which hospital, and he told me. 

I have a buddy who worked for the local police department, and I had him make a call for me. No such person was in the hospital, and there were no stabbings on any bus line. I called the number I had for him, and his dad answered. 

I identified myself and explained that I was letting his son go from the job he had blown off. The dad was very polite, but as he hung up, I heard him screaming at his “useless freaking c*nt” son…


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