Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

46. Brother Troublemaker

Pexels, Pixabay

We would send our new drivers out of town to a corporate 4-day new hire training. We put them up in a hotel next to the corporate office. It was a Marriott Residence Inn that our corporation used all the time. 

I received a call the day he had checked out his room that it had been wiped clean of everything except the TV. Even the pillows and fancy bedding were gone. Blow dryer, clock radio, coffee pot, dishes, etc. Gone. They were sending us a $750 bill to replace it all.

So I called the guy once he got back to town to say there was a problem and explain what I’d been told, and that was unacceptable, and he was being let go. He says hang on a minute, and he sets the phone down. 

I heard him start yelling, and other people, including an older woman, started yelling. He came back on the phone a few minutes later and said his teenage brother accompanied him on the trip and stole everything before he left the room that morning; our employee didn’t know he had done it. 

I told him I was sorry, but the decision had already been made to let him go. He could bring me all the stuff, and the hotel wouldn’t press charges, or he could keep it, and the hotel would press charges. He relayed that in Spanish to the other people in the room with him, and I heard the older woman start yelling again and hitting someone.

He lived with his folks. Mama was pretty pissed at little brother. The whole family met me at our office to give me back everything. The kid looked like Mama had worked him over pretty well. Our employee apologized again and asked if he could keep his job. 

Told him no. They left.


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