Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

47. Locked In

Pexels, Pavel Danilyuk

I was just another employee, and several years later, it still makes me chuckle.

Working for a delivery company. One guy, on his first day, parks a van blocking two people’s driveways, gets into the back of the van to look for the parcel that needs to be delivered, lets the sliding door close, and locks himself in. (Doors could only be opened from the outside with a key)

He left his phone in the front so he couldn’t call for help, and it wasn’t until 6 pm when the homeowner blocked from their own driveway came home from work and heard someone crying for help inside this van, that they were able to call the depot for someone to come out with a spare key.

He didn’t even deliver 1 parcel that day.

He turned up the next morning and was told he wasn’t needed anymore.


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