Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

53. Missed Detail

Pexels, energepic.com

Guy showed up for work and buzzed. 

He still handled himself well and didn’t exactly reek of alcohol, so we weren’t entirely sure he didn’t have some kind of mental/medical disorder that just made him act buzzed. He asked for a break to run out to the parking lot and get a beer out of his truck. 

After getting him a ride home, we checked with human resources. It turned out he had mentioned working while drunk during the job interview, but they thought he was kidding, so they told him it was okay. 

They had only scanned his job application and hadn’t even noticed that under “Reason for leaving the position,” he had put “They wouldn’t let me drink on the job.”

There probably would have been a whole can of legal worms opened if we’d actually had to try to fire him, but luckily, he never came back to work, so we fired him for missing three scheduled shifts in a row without notifying us.


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