Employers Share Moments They Had To Fire A Person On The First Day

60. Witnessed A Bad Day

Pexels, Craig Adderley

When I was working at this Japanese restaurant, we had to fire one of the new cooks on his first day because he showed up drunk.

I actually had to go pick him up at the bus station because I was the delivery driver. When I pulled up there, I saw him finishing a tall boy of Bud Light. I thought, “Oh man, this might not be good.” He got in the car and seemed okay. I offered him some gum, and he accepted and thanked me.

When we got to the restaurant, I didn’t see much of him because I was back in the front, but I heard a lot. While the owner, Carol, and the other cooks were training him on what to do, he kept messing up and knocking things over

Carol was an intense person and liked to berate people at first, but I have never seen her as mad as when this guy accidentally lit a rag on fire.

That was it, she screamed, “You’re fired, get the fudge out!” She had me drive him back to the bus station, which was one of the most awkward car rides I have ever had.


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